July 12, 2010

Ever Had One of Those WTF Moments?

Now, I love me some MAC makeup but I've never been one of those cult followers who stalk the internet kerfuffle surrounding new and much anticipated collections, limited edition products and the like. I do, however, wish I was one of those obsessive-compulsive MAC addicts right about now. After seeing some swatches online of the Stereo Rose Mineralize Skinfinish (a repromote item in the In The Groove collection), I wanted it. I've heard that it's a beautiful coral highlight powder, with more subtle shine than full on shimmer. Sounds nice, but I doubt I'll ever get to see it firsthand since EVERY location is sold out!! I asked my hubz to take me to the mall on Saturday so I could cop this heavily craved product, but decided not to go since he doesn't like shopping or mall crowds and because he seemed tired. Why did I have to be considerate at that moment?! Cue in the Homer Simpson "DOH!" Anyway, cut to today when I rang up one MAC counter and the salesperson notified me that they usually get shipments on Thursdays and most people bought the majority of them that same BULK. I even called up my sister in Atlanta (thinking that maybe this is just a NY area phenomenon) and asked her to scope out the situation there. SAME THING!!!! At this point I just want the MSF just to say I got it LOL. On one hand I want to commend those people who bought them in mass so that they could hawk them on ebay for three times the price because they must have entrepeneurial spirit...on the other I just wanna say WTF. Ya...there is my makeup-related WTF moment.